Friday, October 1, 2010

Harvest Time

This week we harvested some dry beans, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, basil and cucumbers. We are trying to harvest every last bit we can to get the most use out of what we planted.

Some of the potatoes are one inch in diameter and the tomatoes have spots but we don't care, we'll take what we can get at this point! We recently heard a master gardener say that this was the worst gardening year he had ever had in Oregon- we would have to agree.

The cucumbers will be made into pickles, we will freeze the green beans and shell the dry ones. We are going to wash the potatoes and spread them out and cover them to harden off.

I (Trista) have been drying tomatoes in my food dehydrator and saving them to put in jars with some of our fresh basil and olive oil. Then, they will be stored in the refrigerator. I made some last year and the oil that they are packed in is also good to use for other Italian dishes. They are delicious tossed into some fresh, hot pasta.

Serena is going to make some barbecue sauce with the tomatoes we harvested this week.

The Federle tomatoes were very prolific and in a better year we would have had a huge harvest of these. We are hoping that since there are many green ones on there that we will be able to get a lot more. The Italian Heirlooms are nice, big tomatoes and have a wonderful flavor but they are not as prolific as the Federles.

The sunflowers are getting a bit bigger and it'll be interesting to see if the seeds mature. The bees were out in full force today landing on many of the flowers. We are leaving the squash to continue growing in the hopes that they will get bigger. This week we had humid weather in the 70's so they are still growing.

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