Friday, July 23, 2010

Boys 'N Berries

Today we worked more on weeding and watering in the garden this afternoon. It was fairly cool in the morning- in the 60's but it sure warmed up in the afternoon. Since Adam takes a nap in the afternoon this is the time that we have to do most of our gardening work, so we have to work in the hot sun.

In the morning we picked quite a few boysenberries much to Adam's delight. He loved picking a lot of his own berries. Sometimes he would pick one that wasn't very ripe and take a bite or two and then ask me to "hold this." So cute! He sure loves berries! We also picked a few of the snap peas still on the vines.

Later in the afternoon we went out to work in the garden and I noticed the echinacea was blooming in one corner of the garden. It looks so pretty!

Our grapes (pictured above) are also doing quite well and are getting much bigger. We also saw some lettuce and beets (pictured below) growing quite nicely.

We went to work weeding two rows of carrots. This was hard work because the carrot plants are so tiny and delicate and it was hard to spot them among the grasses and weeds that were much bigger. But, we were able to uncover many carrots. Also, we worked on weeding the rows of beans. We haven't gotten the bean poles up yet but we noticed that the beans are starting to put out tendrils and wanting to climb up something so that is a project we need to tackle soon.

My Mom also watered all of the plants. Right now we just have hoses out there so it is a big job to water everything so maybe next year we'll put in some type of drip irrigation system in. While my Mom was watering the potatoes she noticed a potato sticking out of the ground! It was such a great discovery! We were very excited but then quickly covered it up so that it could grow some more. We have decided to harvest our potatoes at the very end of the season so that they have more time to grow.

Since our melon plants are so small right now we have doubts that we will get any melons this season. Our corn is still very spotty but there are a few more stalks that have come up in some areas so we made sure to water them in case there is a small chance of getting a few ears of corn.

Have a great week and enjoy the sunshine!

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